boy and girl enjoying a museum

Sponsor Registration and Tickets - IAAPA Expo Asia 2024

All sponsors that are planning to attend IAAPA Expo Asia will need to be registered for a badge. Non-exhibiting sponsors will receive a complimentary registration code through email to register staff and invited guests and should register using Attendee Registration. Exhibiting sponsors should make sure to follow the Exhibitor Registration Instructions and register as an Exhibitor.

Registration Info

Registration will be located at the Pre-Function Hall 2 & Hall 3.  Badges are required to be worn at all events during Expo.

When applicable, sponsors may receive complimentary tickets for their sponsored event (quantity varies by sponsor level). Please reach out to Aarti Maharaj at [email protected] to confirm if your sponsorship package includes complimentary tickets.

If your sponsorship package includes complimentary tickets to a sponsored event, you have the option of choosing an online code or paper tickets. Please see the breakdown of the options below and email Aarti Maharaj at [email protected] to confirm your selection by April 29, 2024.

  • Option 1: Online Code (the preferred option if your guest list has been finalized)
    • When picking up their badge at the registration desk, a QR code for their tickets will be printed on the badge.
    • Our team will provide a discount code to use when registering attendees for the event.
  • Option 2: Paper Tickets
    • One person will pick up all tickets onsite at registration and will be responsible for distributing the paper tickets to staff and/or invited guests.
    • Please email the name of the pick-up person to Aarti Maharaj at [email protected] by April 29, 2024. 

All badges and tickets (paid or included with your sponsorship) MUST be picked up at Registration by your team. If you have selected to pick up paper tickets for your sponsored event (where applicable), tickets will ONLY be released to the person you have already assigned as your pick-up person as all tickets have been digitally linked to that individual.

One important note for both options – we will need you to confirm if you will have any unused tickets by April 29, 2024. This will help us to reach our sustainability goals by having an accurate event headcount and will allow us to accommodate guests on the waiting list for sold-out events.

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