Dominic Wray

Company name
Vectis Ventures
Job title
Managing Director

Short biography
Dominic Wray is the Managaing Director of Vectis Ventures, the parent company of the Isle of Wights leading attraction and the UK’s oldest theme park, Blackgang Chine.  After 7 years of running Blackgang Chine as the Park Manager, then promoted to Parks Director, and now he has stepped into the role of Mangaging Director to play a vital position in the planning and execution of the longer term business strategy. He has led on some big changes and transformations within the business. Dominic attributes much of his success, and enjoyment of his career to the people in it. Sitting on the Management Committee for BALPPA, he is a huge advocate for industry networking and enabling peer to peer learning opportunities. He then uses this platform as a way to the develop the team that he is so passionate about, allowing them to flourish into the industry known experts of their fields.