Co-Creation – What is it and how can we prepare our audiences, teams, and facilities to leverage this game-changing paradigm in experiential entertainment?

Event Information
Tuesday, September 24 | 16:00 - 16:30
Conference Room Van Gogh
Session type
Difficulty level
Thought Leadership
Human Resources

Co-Creation is the future of experiential entertainment.

Join us for an exciting session exploring the paradigm change in the role of the audience from passive observer to active participant. Learn about various ways to deploy this active audience role in your experiences, teams, and facilities; understanding the pros, cons, and what to look out for in designing and delivering these types of experiences throughout the entire project life cycle from design to daily operation.

Join us to revolutionize your approach, ensuring your team is not just ready for collaboration but is fully immersed in a team culture that thrives on understanding and connecting with the users they serve.

Preparations are key to laying the foundation for a co-creation journey where every team member is primed to prioritize the needs and experiences of the audience.

Discover groundbreaking strategies to set the stage and prepare your team for a collaborative design experience. Explore innovative techniques to foster a creative mindset that embraces empathy, creativity, and user-centric thinking.


  • Define what Co Creation is and explore the various opportunities to leverage co-creation in experiential entertainment: By the end of the session, participants will understand what co-creation is, and better understand the range of manifestations of this paradigm change to prioritize the needs and experiences of the audience.
  • Ready Your Team for Co-Creation: Upon completing the session, participants will receive a 10-point co-creation checklist to prepare their teams. This includes defining specific roles, establishing communication protocols, and implementing collaborative workflow, ensuring that the team is well-prepared and aligned for a successful co-creation journey.
  • Time permitting: By the end of the session, participants will gain tools like Persona Creation and Emotion Mapping and to integrate user-centric values into their co-creation process, ensuring that every team member commits to prioritizing the needs and experiences of the audience.

EDUSessions and EDUTalks are free to IAAPA members with their Expo registration. Entrance to all EDUSessions and EDUTalks can be purchased by Nonmembers for an additional €185.

Louis Alfieri

Raven Sun Creative
Principal, Chief Creative Officer

Heather Doggett

Immerse Universe
Founder & CEO

Daniel Kerscher

Creative Director