IAAPA Webinar: Crisis Communication: Building a Resilient Strategy

March 5, 2024

Event Type: Education
Region: Europe, Middle East, Africa
Event Time: -
Venue: Online
Member Price: Free | Nonmember Price: €49
Credit Hour(s): 1

In today’s day and age, operational risks are never zero, the unexpected is always around the corner and stakeholder expectations are higher than ever before. As a result, preparing for crisis communications is not just an option, but a necessity.

Join us in this webinar to uncover (or repeat) the vital steps for developing a resilient crisis communications strategy and approach, carefully designed to provide clarity during turbulent times, to protect the organisation’s ‘license to operate’ and to safeguard its reputation in the face of challenges. With the insights of Robbert Meulemeester, expert in Integrated Crisis Management, and Stijn Pieters, expert in Crisis Governance, you'll learn about the importance of communications as part of crisis management and how to efficiently prepare and respond to crises. 

Additionally, we'll showcase the exclusive tools and resources available to IAAPA members for managing crisis communications. Equip yourself with the knowledge to confidently handle complex crisis communication scenarios, ensuring your team is well-prepared for whatever the future may hold.

If you're not an IAAPA member but wish to attend this webinar, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

Webinar is in CET 2-3 PM time.


Robbert Meulemeester

Robbert Meulemeester

Senior advisor
PM • Risk Crisis Change

Robbert Meulemeester is senior advisor at PM • Risk Crisis Change, responsible for PM’s training division and providing acute crisis support to clients. He is a trainer and consults on crisis communications and business continuity.

Robbert has developed several serious gaming simulations about integrated crisis management. He authors about crisis management and crisis communications, and frequently lectures at universities and institutions about all things crisis.

Robbert is coordinator of the CCNE, the Crisis Communications Network Europe, and member of Team D5, Belgium’s federal crisis communications support team.

Stijn Pieters

Stijn Pieters

Founder and Managing Partner
PM • Risk Crisis Change

Stijn Pieters is founder and managing partner at PM • Risk Crisis Change. He is specialised in crisis governance and provides acute crisis support to PM’s clients. He is a trainer and consults on crisis management and crisis governance.

Stijn has a background in multimedia engineering and completed a postgraduate degree in disaster management at the University of Antwerp. With 25 years of experience within the fields of crisis management and crisis communications, he is a thought-leader has co-authered multiple books, papers and articles on all things crisis.

Stijn is president of the CIP (Complex Interactive Processes) Institute and is responsible for member expansion at the CCNE, the Crisis Communications Network Europe. He is also member of Team D5, Belgium’s federal crisis communications support team.


Please Note: Agenda is subject to change.
