IAAPA Committees and Task Forces Applications

Volunteerism, cooperation, and advancement of common goals are cornerstones of any association. Countless, hardworking industry professionals dedicate their time and talents to making IAAPA a progressive, proactive, and strong organization.

Volunteerism, cooperation, and advancement of common goals are cornerstones of any association. Countless, hardworking industry professionals dedicate their time and talents to making IAAPA a progressive, proactive, and strong organization. Task forces and committees represent our membership and support our mission, vision, and strategic plan. Each task force and committee create an annual work plan with objectives they plan to achieve each year. Meet the current IAAPA Committee members and consider your role is shaping the future of the industry.

Interested in serving on an IAAPA Committee? Watch our webinar, "Should I Apply to Serve on an IAAPA Committee or Task Force," featuring Wuthichai Luangamornlert, Chair of the IAAPA Global Board of Directors, and David Mandt, IAAPA Chief Governance Officer. This recorded session explains the role of a committee member and details the application process.

To apply for a 2025 IAAPA Task force or committee, please complete the volunteer application. The deadline to apply for a task force or committee is Tuesday, October 1, 11:59 p.m. EDT. 

Committees Lists and Descriptions

IAAPA has five types of committees: board, strategic, regional advisory, constituency, and awards plus a series of subcommittees. The committees described below are open to volunteers. Those interested in joining a committee must fill out our volunteer application form.

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