Informazioni su

Jane Cooper has had a successful career in themed entertainment and hospitality, leading businesses with over 10,000 employees that cater to over 14 million annual guests.

Jane served as President and COO of Herschend Family Entertainment Corp. (HFE), the nation’s largest family-owned themed attractions corporation. She oversaw more than 10,000 employees who created, developed, and operated 20 award-winning entertainment, tourism and hospitality properties in 6 states. During Jane’s tenure, HFE more than doubled in revenue and profitability; enhanced its leadership team; expanded the hospitality offering with the introduction of the highly successful Dollywood’s DreamMore Resort; completed numerous acquisitions that launched the company into the aquarium business and the branded sports segment with The Harlem Globetrotters; and executed partnerships with Coca-Cola, Humana and The Jim Henson Company.

Prior to HFE, Jane was the President and CEO of Paramount Parks, a division of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAC), which operated 6 multinational theme parks with annual attendance of over 14 million guests. She led the integration of new attractions into the theme parks, based on Viacom’s world-renowned intellectual properties: Nickelodeon, Star Trek and Paramount’s film and TV properties.

Jane has dedicated herself to the advancement of the theme park industry and the improvement in the lives of thousands of employees. She served as a board member for over 12 years, including a term as Chairman of the Board, for IAAPA (the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions). Today, IAAPA is the premier representative of the over 6,000 member companies in over 100 countries.

Jane served on the Board of Hershey Entertainment & Resorts (HE&R) since 2014. HE&R was established in 1927 to distinguish the chocolate manufacturing company from other business ventures. She served as the Chair of the Executive Compensation and Benefits Committee and was a member of the Audit and Finance Committee.

Jane also served on the Board of World Choice Investments, Dolly Parton’s dinner theater business, which operates in 3 states; and the Dollywood Foundation through which Dolly’s Imagination Library has distributed over 100 million books to children throughout the world.

Jane’s passion for education includes serving on the Board of Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) in Charlotte, North Carolina for 18 years, 6 as Vice Chairman. CPCC is a leader in workforce development programs with over 70,000 students.

Jane holds an MBA in Finance from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio and a BBA in Accounting from the University of Cincinnati.

Datore di lavoro di Jane Cooper

Herschend Family Entertainment

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