2024 年 IAAPA 展览会最佳展品奖和最佳新产品奖获奖名单公布

今年,IAAPA 推出了新的形象奖,以表彰在 IAAPA 展览会上最杰出的展台。所有参选最佳展品奖的展台都将自动入围形象奖,只有一个展台会被评审团评选为 "最佳展台"。5pt;line-height:normal;">2024年IAAPA展获奖作品如下:
400 - 600 平方英尺,第 1st 位,杰克灯之旅,展位 3062
"带领参观者踏上杰克灯之旅!产品有吸引力,艺术性强"。 5pt;line-height:normal;">400 - 600 平方英尺,2nd Place,Image Engineering,展位 854
700 - 900 平方英尺,1st Place,Technifex Inc、展位 865
"Best brand and product recognition, product infused in booth"。
700 - 900 平方英尺,第 2nd 位,Martin Aquatic Design & Engineering,展位号 2854
"品牌设计突出,模型展示良好,展位流程顺畅,工作人员与与会者互动"。5pt;line-height:normal;">1,000 - 1,500 平方英尺,1st Place,Player One Amusement Group,展位 631
"带来了各种游乐设施,互动性强,充满活力,标志和工作人员表现出色。5pt;line-height:normal;">RMC - 洛基山建筑公司
"Unique design concept with the storage containers.很好地利用了空间,多角度、现代、流畅"。
"Unique design concept with the storage containers.5pt;line-height:normal;">主要游乐设施/景点 - 产品成本超过 300 万美元
2nd Place Flume Ride with Booster, Intamin Ltd..
"Launching of water attraction was new.利用升降机的技术水平发射。5pt;line-height:normal;">主要游乐设施/景点 - 产品成本低于 200 万美元
1st Place, Break Dance 5, Huss Park Attractions GmbH, Booth 4224
主要游乐设施/景点 - 产品成本低于 200 万美元
nd Place, Infinity Racer, Arihant Water Park Equipment, Booth 1651
"Mat racer ride that also goes uphill, doubles back, reverse landing.5pt;line-height:normal;">1st Place, 30 Rockefeller Center- Top of The Rock -The Beam, Cimolai Technology SPA, Booth 4609
"再现历史时刻。5pt;line-height:normal;">Family Ride/Attraction
2nd Place, Moviemax, Alterface, Booth 1083
"Perfect for carnival implementation with set-up in about 3 hours.非常新颖和创新"。
水上公园游乐设施 - 产品成本超过 200 万美元
水上公园游乐设施 - 产品成本超过 200 万美元5pt;line-height:normal;">1st Place, Stingray, Polin Waterparks, Booth 2286
"Racer slide with all four lanes different from each other with unique elements and timing per lane.5pt;line-height:normal;">2nd Place, Walhalla, WhiteWater, Booth 2254
水上乐园游乐设施 - 产品成本低于 200 万美元
1st Place, Adapted SeaTREK Sub Sea Systems, Inc.1654
"Accessible design for those with special needs to experience scuba diving without certification.5pt;line-height:normal;">2nd Place, Mini Blaster, WhiteWater, Booth 2254
"Because of lower height more people can participate from younger ages."
Patron Participation Ride/Attraction
1st Place, PuttMania, LaserBlast, Booth 4666
"Ability to integrate with what the buyer currently has at their facility.大量的技术功能,包括跟踪分数的能力和其他令人兴奋的功能"。
Patron Participation Ride/Attraction
第 2nd 名,Crossover Classic Mini Golf,Milco MFG, LLC,展位号:4680
"Ability to setup and take down within an hour.交叉部件使课程更具活力"。 5pt;line-height:normal;">第 1st 名,JB-Tagsolutions 标签和奔跑游戏,JB Inflatables BV,展位号:4886,5488
添加 RFID 带元素,让参与者进入游戏站,点亮 lasertag,击中图标,记录得分,获得奖品。增加了亮点。5pt;line-height:normal;">2nd Place, Weather Guarantee by Sensible Weather, Sensible Weather, Booth 1757
"Great new concept for guests to have a "guarantee" if the weather is bad on the date of their park visit.5pt;line-height:normal;">1st Place, MobileMech, Amusement Connect, Booth 509
应用于娱乐的技术 - 设施使用的产品或服务
2nd Place, iQ QR Reader and Kiosk System, Intercard Inc、展台号 1327
"QR 码阅读器,可轻松进行游戏。可在线销售,也可在现场小卖部销售。轻松获得乐趣。"
1st Place、Asteroids:Asteroids: Recharged Arcade, Alan-1, Booth 3902
"Retro game 非常有趣。如果有人打破了自己的高分,通知系统会让参与者知道,以便让他们返回设施再玩一次"。
2nd Place, Night Heron Entertainment's Lynx cabinet, featuring Kung Fu Panda:The Warrior's Gauntlet™,AVS Companies,1617 号展位
"Simple concept, but visual impressive.能够轻松切换出不同的角色"。 5pt;line-height:normal;">1st Place, Eurosat Coastiality, VR Coaster GmbH & Co.KG, Booth 2272
"Guest wars a VR through the queue but can see normally without issue."
Virtual and Augmented Reality
卓远公司 VR 魔幻飞碟 2nd Place、
VR in a UFO.超级有趣。
VR in the UFO.5pt;line-height:normal;">1st Place, "Aurora" - Track Mounted LED Display, Skyline Attractions LLC, Booth 2278
"轨道上安装的 LED 显示器。完全可定制的轨道式 LED 显示屏,耐候性强。每个显示屏都单独编号和控制,便于维修,让您沉浸在故事中。5pt;line-height:normal;">1st Place, Parafait Klassic Pro Kiosk - Session/Slot Bookings with Automatic Waiver Management Semnox Solutions LLC 2036
"真正减少操作员,无需人工,销售各种产品。有多种售货亭形式(室外、室内、大型)。5pt;line-height:normal;">2nd Place, Planogram Booster Packs, Redemption Plus, Booth1824
"Supports small companies that don't have large staff or knowledge about the games."
1st Place, NAVATU, Polgun Waterparks & Attractions, Booth 2233"创新的穿行瀑布。5pt;line-height:normal;">第 2nd 名,ETF Dynamic Mover,ETF Ride Systems,展位号:4872
"New ride technology open to the wider audience.5pt;line-height:normal;">摇摆塔第一名,Sunkid GmbH,展位号:2678
"Seat releases into a swing when you're at the top.
最佳新产品概念奖 - 其他产品/服务
"Observation tower that takes guest down the level into 360 3D theater then go into traditional tower.5pt;line-height:normal;">1st Place, inThrall, Birket Engineering, Booth 2264
"Technology allows captions in any language.为那些听不到或说不同语言的人消除障碍。5pt;line-height:normal;">2nd Place, C360, Simworx Limited, Booth 2067
"Highly innovative with respect to stadiums and arenas, can be used conjunction with in-house museums.多种收入流选择。"
"在体育场和竞技场方面具有高度创新性,可与内部博物馆结合使用。IMPACT AWARD WINNER
Adapted SeaTREK, Sub Sea Systems, Inc、Booth 1654
"Accessible design for those with special needs to experience scuba diving without certification.座椅设计舒适,人人都可参与。"
"Accessible design for those special needs experience scuba diving without certification.5pt;line-height:normal;">问题或采访请求请发送电子邮件至 IAAPA 全球传播总监 Eryka Washington-Perry,电子邮件地址为 [email protected].