
Live Chat: How an Empowered Woman Found Her Multiphasic Success in the Attractions Industry and Beyond

Mar 27 2025 | 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
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*Event time based on EST.

Join us for an inspiring and empowering live chat with former president and chief operating officer from Herschend Family Entertainment, Jane Cooper that brings together her journey in our industry. As a leader and innovator in her field, Jane not only broke thru barriers but also set new standards in an industry traditionally dominated by men. This dynamic session will truly let you interact with Jane who will share her journey, challenges, and strategies for success. From leadership roles to entrepreneurial ventures, Jane will discuss how she has navigated her career, overcome obstacles, and shattered the proverbial glass ceiling. Have the opportunity to connect with other women in our industry who are also empowering women to find their multiphasic success in a interactive breakout room session.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career in the industry, this live chat will provide invaluable insights and practical advice to help you thrive in your career and contribute to the ongoing transformation of the industry.

A question and answer session will follow the live chat.

Attendees are eligible to earn one continuing education unit (1 CEU) towards IAAPA recertification. For more information about IAAPA Certifications, please contact Alissa DeMeglio.

Learning objectives:

  • Analyze Leadership Strategies: Identify and evaluate the leadership approaches and innovative strategies used to break barriers and drive success in a traditionally male-dominated industry.
  • Apply Career Growth Insights: Gain practical advice on career advancement, overcoming obstacles, and fostering resilience in the entertainment and attractions industry.
  • Engage in Industry Transformation: Explore ways to contribute to the ongoing evolution of the industry by leveraging key takeaways from Jane Cooper’s experiences in leadership and entrepreneurship.
Regione: North America
Orario evento: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Luogo: Online
Tipo di sessione: Education

Pricing Details

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Registration Fee
Libero Libero Libero


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