
Lego Ferrari Build & Play is Legoland Florida’s Latest Addition

09:31 صباحًا • بواسطة Michael Costello

Legoland Florida's newest addition sparks creativity as an immersive experience.

Credit: Michael Costello

Lego Ferrari Build & Play is a unique and innovative attraction recently opened at Legoland Florida. Public Relations Director North America at Merlin Entertainments Julie Estrada shares with Funworld the thought process in bringing Ferrari to Legoland Florida, along with how the team has developed the attraction for the better after learning from previous installations. Lego Ferrari Build & Play provides a hands-on experience that combines the timeless appeal of Lego with the allure of the Ferrari brand—the result of a partnership between Legoland Florida and Ferrari. The new attraction not only provides entertainment value but also serves as an educational platform, allowing guests to align themselves with learning and creativity.


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