
Carowinds Front and Center with Safety

01:14 رئيس الوزراء • بواسطة Scott Fais

Park shares proactive safety messages with guests

A maintenance employee performs a proactive mechanical inspection on a ride vehicle at Carowinds. photo courtesy of Carowinds

Carowinds released a series of proactive social media posts, blog entries, and videos promoting safety at the theme park straddling the North Carolina and South Carolina border. The guest-facing content transparently shares Carowinds’ commitment to safety. Topics include ride manufacturers, annual licensing by state agencies, daily mechanical inspections, unexpected ride stoppages, and
the use of drones in inspections.

A maintenance employee performs a proactive mechanical inspection on a ride vehicle at Carowinds. photo courtesy of Carowinds


“Using the drones gives us a way to do more inspections,” explains Steve Jackson, director of maintenance and construction at Carowinds in a video. “We have our own drone now, so we can fly our own sorties. It gives us the ability to do it now versus having to call somebody in—a contractor—to do the work for us.”

Click on the links below to read and watch Carowinds's proactive safety content.

Video: How Carowinds uses drones in ride inspections

Video: Ride maintenance at Carowinds

Blog: Behind-the-Scenes of ride inspections

Blog: Carowinds salutes maintenance employees during appreciation week  

Social: Delayed ride openings for proactive inspections

  • This story first appeared in the Sept./Oct. edition of Funworld magazine.  To read a digital copy of Funworld, click here

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