Manufacturer press conference


Manufacturers & Suppliers

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Notes from Manufacturers and Suppliers

An example of the non-sterilized protective gowns produced by Daniels Wood Land.
Daniels Wood Land recently closed all manufacturing operations temporarily as a result of COVID-19, but the team is using the hiatus to make non-sterilized protective gowns for emergency responders.
Simon Nicholson and Lego Character
IAAPA Manufacturer and Supplier Member Simon Nicholson is business development manager of Haystack Dryers and has spent 15 years in the attractions industry.
Supplier on the trade show floor
IAAPA successfully appealed the WCO concerning tariff classification of attractions equipment over a three-year period. The appeal will result in the largest change to the Harmonized Code System in more than 20 years.

Ask a Member

Have a question? IAAPA Manufacturers and Suppliers Committee members have a diverse background and are here to help. Their competencies include operations, attractions development, general management, marketing, strategy, and more. If you would like to speak with a member of the committee, contact Committee Chair Franceen Gonzales. In your message, include your full contact information, details of the reason you are writing, and your time frame for a response.


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