Create a Good Inspection Checklist in Your Water Park

Event Information
Wednesday, November 20 | 10:10 - 10:30 am
EDUTalk Stage S220DE
Session type
Water Parks

Join us for a power packed 20-minute session where we share essential insights on checklists tailored specifically for aquatic facilities. Whether you manage a water park, pool, or aquatic center, ensuring safety and efficiency is paramount. In this session, we will explore the essential elements of checklist design, focusing on practical insights that can transform your operational procedures.  

Learning Objectives
- Understanding Safety and Maintenance Inspections: Gain insights into what safety and maintenance inspections look like for an aquatic facility. Learn how to structure inspections to cover critical areas

- Crafting First-Class Checklists: Discover the principles behind creating effective checklists that streamline daily operations and enhance safety protocols

- Development Process: Guidance on developing tailored checklists that meet the unique needs of your aquatic facility. Learn best practices for checklist development

- Components of Effective Checklists: Ensure checklists are comprehensive yet practical for daily use

David Bromilow, ICAE

Director, Parks & Attractions